Yes, balance. Do you know what that is? I can't seem to get it really. When I think of balance I think of life just seeming to roll along just right. Getting the school work done AND the house work done AND being in a good mood, etc. I think you get my drift huh? When I have had a particular busy week all I want to do is stay home and get something accomplished so I feel better about things. Then something just rolls right in and messes up all my great plans. Kind of like bowling. My pins (in my head) are all set up nice and perfect. Even lines, symmetrical. Just like I like it. Then I feel like God sees that and rolls his big bowling ball down and crash. STRIKE!! Yep. I do love Him though. He knows what is best for me.
I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Please to bring you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
But WAIT!! After verse 11 there is more (just like God huh?)!!
"Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity.
Yeah, that captivity? Yup, you guessed it. My perfect world. I'm being held captive by it. Keeping my head in the sand certainly isn't going to help me grow in Him is it? Stepping out of my comfort zone isn't going to help me to witness His Good News to others is it? Nope. Not really. Hard to remember sometimes -- all the time mostly. He nudges me and when I don't listen (lalalala I can't here you!!) He rolls that bowling pin down and gets a STRIKE!!
I'm so glad that He is there to prosper me and not harm me. I'm so glad he KNOWS what my future holds. Right now I don't know what it holds here on earth but I know I will be with Him in eternity. THAT I can look forward to.
BE BLESSED and during this holiday season don't forget to eat healthy. Don't give in to all that fatty, sugary stuff. It really isn't a treat!!