Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Shopping & other things

Ah, so Monday, that is CYBER Monday. Anyone taking advantage of the deals? I have to say anything I got today online was NOT a Cyber Monday deal. I must have done it wrong because something was actually $5 MORE today than it was yesterday on Was a little bummed because I figured if anything it would be cheaper today. I already had my cart ready to go and figured I would wait for today to "checkout". Oh well. I can honestly say that we are done with our shopping -- ok for the most part - for Christmas. Oh if my children knew I would get them EVERYTHING they wanted if I could. My next step is to go through my little girls room to weed out things she doesn't play with :) Good luck with that one huh?
How did you do for Thanksgiving this year? I stuffed myself but feel like I made good choices. I still ate pie but made sure I stayed away from the things I HAVE to stay away from. Sugar was definitely the problem this time around though. I need to get to my happy place that I'm not craving it like I am now.
I managed to work out over the weekend too. I got in short workouts & if you include the Black Friday 100 miles I walked the stores then WOW what a workout I got in that day!!
How did YOU do with your eating/exercise? What are your plans now for this week getting back on track? Don't let the holidays ruin all the good work you have done!!
Be Blessed & Healthy!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Happy TURKEY Day!!

Well, you would think Tom Turkey would be safe around here since I don't eat meat but I'll tell you the rest of my family are carnivores! So, Tom Turkey BEWARE!!
What are you planning for Thanksgiving? What are some of your traditional dishes? We have a butternut squash to DIE for. It's like dessert for sure! I'm allergic to sweet potatoes (WHAT?) so can't have them on the table. We don't really miss them though with this sweet dish. We also have a cranberry relish that is really yummy. My sisters mil gave her the recipe & I have to say it's a fave in my house too!!
Well, enjoy your Thanksgiving with family & friends. Let's pray for our men & women in the services fighting for the freedoms we have.
Be Blessed & Healthy! (just get back to the healthy Friday morning(-: )
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Body Image
This model would have to change her body to the outlined proportions to be a life-size Barbie. We must teach ourselves and daughters that women can be soft with curvers and still be healthy and strong.
Be Strong & Healthy!!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
This morning during our family service the leader for our PreK - 5th grades did the childrens message. He talked about being grateful for things that maybe you don't feel so good about.
Last night while getting ready for our worship time this morning ( my son and I are on the praise team), we got a phone call from the keyboard player. His son, who plays the drums for us, was rear-ended on his scooter. He was at a red light & the car behind him hit him atleast 30mph. Thankfully he was wearing a helmet, leather coat & gloves. I hear the helmet was pretty mangled. He flew in the opposite direction of the scooter & flipped a few times. I know it just sounds awful and can't imagine going through it. I am so thankful, as I'm sure he is and his family, that he was wearing that helmet & not being "too cool" NOT to wear it. He is hurting alot right now but I'm sure counting his blessings.
Do you ever look at things that way? While on vacation in PA at the beginning of October my son got really sick & ended up in the hospital. My husband wasn't with us but he WAS 3 hours away for business. Now while it was VERY scary I realized a few things. We were with my parents & my mom had worked at the hospital over 20 years. She knows the ins & outs & was able to help me understand what was going on. Had we stayed home my husband would have been up in PA for his business trip & over a 1,000 miles away when our son went in to the hospital down here. While I do have a great support network here it would have been so much harder. So, I can look at that and see the blessings.
God is so good to us. He sacrificed His one & only Son for us. He NEVER changes. He is ALWAYS there for us. We are the ones that are fickle & change. We are the ones that will love Him one minute & think we don't need Him the next.
During this Thanksgiving season I want to remember how thankful I am for every little (and big) things. There are so many and I know I take them forgranted all the time.
What are you thankful for? Do you have any blessings in disguise you can share?
Be Blessed & Healthy!!
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