Over the passed few years my husband has started sharing with me his concerns about my "snoring" or "funny breathing" that I do when I sleep. My reaction? DENIAL! I really didn't want to hear I was snoring or doing anything "weird" when I was sleeping.
Oh - something else I should probably mention.....I do NOT wake up rested. I wake up feeling like a MACK truck has hit me some time during the night.
My sister has always said "My bed is comfortable & my pillow is soft". I have always been jealous about that so finally my husband and I got an AWESOME bed that I must say is quite comfy. You would think that would help right? Nope, I still wake up feeling like someone beat me with a stick.
I have been seeing my doctor lately for some other issues I have been noticing & mentioned to her about my symptoms:
EXTREMELY tired during the day even after getting 8 hours of sleep the night before. FEELING like I didn't get any sleep at all and feeling like someone beat me silly ;). WAKING up with a headache that I just can't shake. FOCUS during the day just NOT there. EXTREMELY forgetful (which my children LOVE but my husband and I aren't diggin' at all)
My dr was concerned with these symptoms & mentioned Sleep Apnea. I told her I thought that was just an overweight person's problem. You see, if you have been following me - while I have lost weight & continue to try to get to my goal I am not considered overweight.
So, she referred me to a doctor who specializes in Sleep Apnea. I saw him yesterday & he told me I have all but 2 of the symptoms & if the insurance allowed him he would hook me up with a CPAP machine at that moment. I do need to go through the sleep testing though & am waiting for them to get with me about an appt.
I must say I am a bit nervous but I keep thinking about what it would look like and feel like for me to wake up rested & have the energy I need to get all through the day without caffeine or some other pick me up like CARBS!! In the back of my mind I keep wondering if the last 10lbs won't come off because of this problem.
Bottom line is I want to continue my path to being the healthiest I can be for me, my family & to be able to do what God has intended for me to do.
I have always said that to those who follow me & I will continue saying it. Yes, I was in denial. I haven't had the test yet to confirm that I have Sleep Apnea but I will go for it & see what they say. I will continue down this path & I want to share with you what happens. I hope you will continue to follow my progress down this road.
If you or someone you knows may think you have a sleeping disorder please see your doctor. This stuff isn't something to mess around with. Here is a link for a site that explains symptoms for Sleep Apnea specifically.
Do you know someone with Sleep Apnea? How has getting treated changed their life?
Be Blessed & Live Healthy!!!
Please note: I am not a doctor OR in the medical profession. I am just sharing my experiences in hopes this will help someone else go & seek medical advice if needed.