Ok, boy may not be the right word. Young man would be more appropriate. Every day my oldest amazes me with his maturity & strength. He is open to learn more about himself & others. Makes me realize he is teaching me constantly. Maybe I'm the one being homeschooled! Well, he just had his birthday and now he has his permit. Yes, I was very hesitant. More because I didn't want this next milestone to happen so quickly. Just when I am getting used to something changing, something else changes too. It's hard for me some times. I know the idea is to quide them in the path that God has carved out for them and then let them go out on their own. I knew that 15 years ago. Doesn't make it easier though. My "Mommy-heart" has I have always called it is just growing & growing for each of my children. Something I'm proud of about myself today? I didn't cry at the DMV when he got his permit. We couldn't have gotten a SWEETER DMV lady!! She was just amazing. Took a picture with AW too handing him his permit. I promised I wouldn't put that on Facebook but I will respect that and not put that here either. He was nice enough to let me take a picture of him outside the DMV too. I know, goofy. I can't help it. I'll do the same thing with MS & EG when they are ready for their permits & license. Oh boy. Can't think of that right now!!
Well, God has truly had his hands full lately with all my prayers! My sister-in-law just found out her Dad has cancer. Could you please pray for him and his family? His name is George & he is a very loving & happy Dad & Grandpa.
God is so good. Don't you think??
I pray your day is BLESSED! Mine has been.
Be Blessed & Healthy!
I did decide to post the picture here of Andrew driving away from the DMV. I think maybe that one is ok.