Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Growing Boy

Ok, boy may not be the right word. Young man would be more appropriate. Every day my oldest amazes me with his maturity & strength. He is open to learn more about himself & others. Makes me realize he is teaching me constantly. Maybe I'm the one being homeschooled! Well, he just had his birthday and now he has his permit. Yes, I was very hesitant. More because I didn't want this next milestone to happen so quickly. Just when I am getting used to something changing, something else changes too. It's hard for me some times. I know the idea is to quide them in the path that God has carved out for them and then let them go out on their own. I knew that 15 years ago. Doesn't make it easier though. My "Mommy-heart" has I have always called it is just growing & growing for each of my children. Something I'm proud of about myself today? I didn't cry at the DMV when he got his permit. We couldn't have gotten a SWEETER DMV lady!! She was just amazing. Took a picture with AW too handing him his permit. I promised I wouldn't put that on Facebook but I will respect that and not put that here either. He was nice enough to let me take a picture of him outside the DMV too. I know, goofy. I can't help it. I'll do the same thing with MS & EG when they are ready for their permits & license. Oh boy. Can't think of that right now!!

Well, God has truly had his hands full lately with all my prayers! My sister-in-law just found out her Dad has cancer. Could you please pray for him and his family? His name is George & he is a very loving & happy Dad & Grandpa.

God is so good. Don't you think??

I pray your day is BLESSED! Mine has been.

Be Blessed & Healthy!

I did decide to post the picture here of Andrew driving away from the DMV. I think maybe that one is ok.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Swatsky side of the family

Well here we all are. The Swatsky side of the family. This was taken before Grandma's funeral. We were so glad we could be with each other during this time. Some of us hadn't seen each other for over 20 years!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Well, 15 years ago today Andy and I were holding a beautiful little boy in our arms. Our first child. Today he isn't little at all. He is taller than both of us! He is a strong young man and I am marveling at what God is doing with his life. Yes, he is a teenager and keeping Andy and I on our toes but I love him, trust him and just am so proud of him. He is so talented with music, baseball and pretty much everything he does. He plays guitar for our Praise Team AFTER teaching himself! His baseball abilities are just amazing. He is testing off the charts in school too. Thank you God for the gift of this unbelievable young man. Please make me the mother he needs. Help me to love unconditionally all my family & friends. You are good to me!! In your Son's name I pray - Amen.

Update on our trip. We went to PA for Grandma's funeral. While it was sad for us that she is gone I had such joy for the fact she is with Jesus now. I was able to actually sing "Sweet Jesus" during the funeral. It amazed me to see the people who don't have the hope in Jesus that I have. There is a distinct difference in the way they mourn. I will continue to pray for them. I pray that God would use me in any way He can to help these people know His love and faithfulness!!!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Prayer for my family? I'll pray for yours!!

Does your family need prayer? Mine does. Even on the good days we do! I love to watch what God does in my life always. I meet with 2 wonderful ladies once a week and we just pray for each other. They lift me up all the time and I can feel it. We are all at different places in our lives with our children and they are just so wonderful.

Well, today my Grandmother died. She has been slowly declining and this was expected. Really though. Even though you KNOW someone is close to death, it still hurts. She was a wonderful woman. I'm not just saying that either. She & Grandpa gave us a place to live when I was younger when we couldn't afford anything else. She was always giving us things that she would pick up at a yard sale because she thought of us. Now, being a teenager we wouldn't appreciate it as much but now looking back? She did it because she loved me and was thinking of me! That means so much. Her love was unconditional for sure. No question in my head. She never judged me. Just loved me. That's all. Now she is dancing with Jesus in heaven & seeing her sweet husband, my Grandpa. Please pray for my family as we mourn the loss of this sweet woman & also as we all figure out our travel plans.

My husband's niece has a beautiful little girl. Her name is Lilybelle. She is not even 2 months old and had heart surgery 2 days ago. Today she took a turn for the worse and was put back on all support & given a blood transfusion & a spinal tap. They are checking for viral meningitis. Please pray for her and her Mommy & Daddy. They need all the prayers they can get right now.

My Aunt Diane was diagnosed with cancer. We are pretty sure it's Stage 4. Problem is Aunt Diane won't talk with anyone right now so we don't know what the dr said for sure. The tumors started on her ovary and just spread all throughout her abdomen. WE call her Aunt. She has been Mom & Dad's friend since middle school. I'm probably closer to her than any of my other Aunts!! Please pray for her and Uncle Nick as they have decisions to make. I don't know here her walk with Jesus is right now. They just need prayer.

Well, that's it for now. I know, that seems like enough huh? If you need prayer, please comment on this post. I will pray for you. I promise. We need to be there for each other. God is there for us every second of every day.

Be Blessed & Healthy!!