Well, 15 years ago today Andy and I were holding a beautiful little boy in our arms. Our first child. Today he isn't little at all. He is taller than both of us! He is a strong young man and I am marveling at what God is doing with his life. Yes, he is a teenager and keeping Andy and I on our toes but I love him, trust him and just am so proud of him. He is so talented with music, baseball and pretty much everything he does. He plays guitar for our Praise Team AFTER teaching himself! His baseball abilities are just amazing. He is testing off the charts in school too. Thank you God for the gift of this unbelievable young man. Please make me the mother he needs. Help me to love unconditionally all my family & friends. You are good to me!! In your Son's name I pray - Amen.
Update on our trip. We went to PA for Grandma's funeral. While it was sad for us that she is gone I had such joy for the fact she is with Jesus now. I was able to actually sing "Sweet Jesus" during the funeral. It amazed me to see the people who don't have the hope in Jesus that I have. There is a distinct difference in the way they mourn. I will continue to pray for them. I pray that God would use me in any way He can to help these people know His love and faithfulness!!!
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