I have just finished reading this book and was completely taken in and convicted of many things. Mary Beth Chapman is very open and real in this book. She covers alot of her history before talking about the accident that took her daughter Maria's life & threatened her son Will's faith (and the whole family) as well. This is a book I would absolutely want to own and reread as often as possible. As I am on the cusp of watching my first born go on his way to college & start a new part of his life, watching our 2nd son enter the sometimes scary world of teenage-dom & our daughter is just starting really being just 5 I realize how much I need to treasure & hold on to every moment, moody or not. I want to make sure I let my children know I love them happy, grumpy, sad or mad. They are loved by me unconditionally. I need to remember that when my depression decides to show it's ugliness that I have 3 very impressionable young lives here that are just as affected by this. Asking for help is ok. Sometimes that might mean taking a little pill that will help some of the symptoms of depression. That might even mean seeking help in the form of therapy.
Mary Beth & Steven Curtis Chapman are real people and they live their faith outloud. I have loved SCC's music for a long time and MBC quotes many of his songs in her book. The songs mean so much more reading all they have gone through. It amazes me how they have gone through such a horrible tragedy and can continue to "chin up" and help to lead people to Christ through all this.
I hope this makes sense. I hope you go out and get this book & read it. Let me know what you think of it. I hope it touches you as well.
Be Blessed & Healthy!!
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