It's been a while since I have posted. I'll get to that in another post. Today I want to honor the memory of a great man. My father in law.
Papa Andy
There are so many reasons this man was great. First was his love for God. I'm not talking about a Sunday morning love for God. I'm talking about a walking the walk, talking the talk, living every moment he had here on earth for his Savior. He didn't hesitate to share the love of God with EVERYONE he came in contact with. Including this sinner that is typing this. When his son started dating me I have to wonder what he thought. I refused to go to church at first. Really! Then I realized that would be the only way to spend Sunday mornings with my (at the time) boyfriend.
My father in law was patient and kind. He followed God's heart and shared Gods love with a young girl that didn't know she had a Savior that loves her like He does. He made our children, his grandchildren feel loved & welcome at any time. He spoiled them rotten with his time. The best kind of spoiled I know!!
When people are asking where you were 10 years ago. I know where I was that fateful day the towers fell & the US was attacked. I also know right where I was exactly a week later when my Savior took one of my favorite people to heaven to worship with Him.
I look forward to that day when we can all be there together!!
Be Blessed & Healthy!!
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