Friday, November 30, 2012

P90X - final week

Tomorrow I do my last day of week 12 in P90X's 13 week program.  I realized at the beginning of week 11 that I would be doing some of my faves for the last time in this round.  I know that probably sounds corny but for me it meant alot.  Honestly?  I wasn't sure if I had what it took to do the program as scheduled for me. 

When I first got the P90X program (a while ago)  I just did the workouts as I wanted to.  I would decide what workout I wanted to do by what area I wanted to work that day.  Ok, not the best way of doing it but it did work for me at the time.  Or not as I'm seeing now!  Tony Horton & the powers that be knew what they were doing when they created this program.  "Muscle confusion" is a real thing. 

So, I will be doing measurements at the end of next week & if I'm brave enough......I will post my before & after pics :)   I will also fill you in on some of the things I have learned through this process.  Hope you will continue this journey with me!!

I'm looking forward to my next round of P90X & kickin it up a notch by adding some Chalene to it.  I did that during this last phase but not as much as I would like to have. 

Also looking forward to seeing what other Beachbody workout Santa might be bringing this year.

Bring it Santa!!  :)

Have you ever done a Beachbody workout?  Do you have a favorite?

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

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