Friday, October 4, 2013

A Woman's Musings

I have to say, I don't feel my age.  I don't feel like I actually am old enough to have a child out of high school & on his way to finding where his place in life is outside our home. 

With that said though, I am.  I am proud to be able to say I have an 18 yr old son that is a phenomenal musician.  I have loved watching that boy grow from the moment he was in my belly and I will continue love watching him continue to grow.  Even if it has to be from afar & hearing things through social media first. 

I also have an incredible 14 yr old son.  He shows his talents through baseball, music & learning.  As well as having the compassion & empathy for others that will just leave you speechless.  He continues to communicate with myself & his dad.  Asking questions to learn & understanding when he needs to be corrected in something. 

Our other child is a beautiful 7 (and a 1/2) year old daughter.  She has the voice of an angel & is quick as a whip.  She has a combination of both her brothers in her & I can see that being wonderful & challenging all rolled into one. 

I have been trying to really take the time recently to think about the way things have changed lately.  I hope you will humor me.  While I try to keep my blog along the fitness/health lines - I am a wife, mom & woman & as I'm sure you can understand my brain is constantly going with other things too!

I know social media has a place.  I realize many people use it for great things.  I have a good friend that uses it to help her with fostering dogs & making sure they can help dogs that are in danger.  I have used it to ask for prayer for my father who was very sick (update on him at the end).  There are so many things we can use Facebook, Twitter & the like for.  I think the main thing though is just entertainment.  That is where it can get a little grey. 

I have had friends tell me that their spouse & them have decided not to be part of FB because they have heard the stories of people hooking up with old girl/boyfriends.

Another reason is it's a TIME SUCKER( seriously!). 

The thing that probably makes me most sad is when people use it in a way that is hurtful.  To hear good news from someone close to you really stinks.  

I think many people will use it to say things that they wouldn't normally say to lots of people.  When I post on FB or Twitter & when I post here on my blog I try VERY hard to think about what I'm saying & how it may come across.  My intent is never to hurt anyone.  I truly would just like to inspire & help others. 

Also, I would never want a friend or loved one to read my blog & find out something about my life that they should have learned 1st hand. 

I don't know.  Maybe this is a little old fashioned.  Maybe tweeting about something you just did that was a big deal is the new way to do things today.  Maybe a Mom & Dad just need to grow with the times.  I don't think I am an old fuddy-duddy (HA!  When was the last time you heard that one!). 

I just love my family & am so interested in their lives.  Not to be controlling.   Sheesh, I have enough of my own stuff to be handling & keeping in line!  I just am interested.  I want to see life through their eyes as well.  I want to love the new people they are becoming & have become. 

Well, I feel like I may have gone on a little meander here in my typing.  I hope you understand & will return! 

As for the update on my Dad.  He is home now with Mom.  He is receiving therapy for walking & moving his hands as well.  Turns out when you are unresponsive for 11 days on a ventilator your body doesn't react well.  I was blessed to talk with him a couple nights ago.  He was a bit winded just talking but can I just say what a BLESSING it was to hear his voice.  The man got a new chance at life.  My prayer is he will learn Who gave him that chance & embrace it. 

What's on your mind lately?  Can I pray for you?  I would be honored!!

Be Blessed & Live Healthy!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great and honest post!! Love it!!!
    Praying for you and your whole family!!


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