Friday, December 13, 2013

Slow Progress

When I started my fitness & healthy living journey 8 years ago I had weight to lose & a lot of jiggles to firm up.  I still have jiggles to firm up & I would love to lose some more weight but that isn't my big goal anymore.

I am not a big fan of the scale.  Yes, it helps a lot of people to stay the course but it will make this girl go NUTS!  I judge by how my clothes are fitting & also what I see in the mirror.

I have noticed over the last few months I haven't been seeing a lot of change with the workouts I'm doing.  I have started making sure I'm taking some time between workout programs to settle down a bit with some yoga & stretching.  Not as much high impact, high weight work.  I think that helps.  I have also said it really helps to switch things up.  Challenge yourself, get out of the rut you have been in.

I realized today that I am seeing some slow progress.  Putting on a pair of jeans that the butt is a bit looser!  Gotta love that right? 

When we get the weight off & start working on getting leaner & firmer the progress may seem a bit slower but I know I'm getting stronger through this process and YOU ARE TOO!!

Please remember -- before you start any new exercise program to check with your Dr to make sure you are ok to start it. 

I would love to hear of any progress or plans you have.  I know New Years is always a time people want to start to get healthier, etc.  You don't need to wait!  Any day is the perfect day.  Do it for your family, your spouse but most of all?  Do it for YOU!!  I promise, you WILL NOT be disappointed.

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

Follow me on Facebook too!  I would love to see you there :)

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