Saturday, May 24, 2014

Why Do You Workout?

Why do you workout?  To look good?  To feel good about yourself?  Maybe for a medical reason. 

Why do you eat well?  To lose weight?  Maybe another medical reason?

I had a moment recently where I was out somewhere & realized I FELT GOOD.  I felt good about myself.  I felt like this was a moment I didn't want to hide anything.  I am strong & DANG I felt good. 

Those moments haven't happened much since I chose to change the way I live my life.  There are more times than not that I look in the mirror & see the overweight person I used to be (they still happen).  I see all my imperfections like they are screaming at me sometimes.  I tend to compare myself to others way too often. 

Then I realized something.  I am make uniquely different from all those others.  I may never have a 6 pack (not that I won't try!).  I think some of this cellulite is here to stay.  Stretch marks?  Yes definitely here to stay (but most of them have a story to tell  - -  like 3 beautiful children).  Those things don't define me. 

I read something recently on Facebook that we need to make sure we are working on the inside as well as the outside.  That really made me stop & think.  I have a lot I need to be working on. 

So, my answers to those questions while they may vary every day, today they are:

I workout because it makes me feel good.  I feel stronger when I'm done & I see how far I have come.  I choose to eat healthy because I know it will make me a better Mom to my kids & wife to my husband.  I want to be around to see my children grow up & to see my grandchildren.  I want to be an inspiration to others as much as possible. 

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Thanks for stopping by! I love to read your comments & hear how you are doing in your health & wellness journey. We are all a work in progress. ~ Imperfectly Pamela