Remember when you were with your little one(s) walking around the grocery store & that older woman approached you? Do you remember what she said? After admiring your little one she said "Hold tight to this time. Remember everything. It goes by so quickly."
Maybe you didn't have that moment. Many have. Some were wise enough to remember that suggestion & embrace it. Some were put off & thought "what does she know?"
Well, I can tell you, at 48 yrs old, I know what she was saying.
If someone had told me there would be a time that one of my children would be on another continent, on the other side of the world - I would have laughed in their face.
If someone had told me one of my children would question his/her faith - I would have laughed in their face.
If someone had told me at least 2 of my 3 children wouldn't even consider college (or follow through & graduate from college) - I would have laughed in their face.
If someone had told me at almost 18 one of my children would have NO EARTHLY IDEA what they even suspected they would want to do with their lives - I would have laughed in their face.
There was even a point in time if someone had told me I would have a little girl - I would have laughed in their face.
Presently? I have all of these.
No laughing going on here about these things. Lots & lots of praying for sure though!
When we have those little ones we are so wrapped up in the taking care of these precious bundles entrusted to us that we don't even think about what the future holds.
As they get older we become even more distracted with life. School, sports, family, work. Busyness.
It feels as if, all of the sudden, our eyes are open. Our children are grown. They are out on their own or about to be. They have minds of their own. Opinions of their own. They are their own people. Making decisions that may be right or wrong. Decisions that may hurt them or make their lives happier. Decisions that are also learning experiences. Experiences that are very important to the way these young adults end up being adults. These are the experiences that will mold their lives & possibly their children's lives.
So, as I sit here with one child a world away & 2 others still under our roof, I realize God has also been working on MY heart through all this. He has made me stronger. Through the experiences of my youth I have learned so much as well. I have been able to speak from experience, TRUTH.
I have been able to lean on Him & my faith more readily. No questioning. I know my children are on the hands of the One who gave them to me. So, whether they are a world away, or a room away. Whether they decide to question their faith, my parenting methods or what they should be doing with their lives, I already know all will be well. They will be stronger & wiser when they need to be.
I am thankful that I treasured so much in my heart as my children were growing up. I am thankful my husband & I made the decisions we did to keep them home & teach them. I am thankful for each & every day that I have to enjoy these children.
So, those are more of these Mom's thoughts.
Thanks again for stopping by! Please leave a comment to let me know you were here.
Be Blessed - Pamela
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