I have started slowly. Can't do any real high intensity cardio just yet but it's in the near future I'm sure!! I have started running again and realize how much I do miss that. I even tried barefoot running for about 1+ miles. What a difference!! I am doing 2-1/4 miles right now and I wore my sneakers for 1/2 then took them off and went barefoot. I got 2 blisters but honestly it was worth it. In comparing the 2 ways I can say that wearing the sneakers made me feel clumsy and a little weighed down. Going barefoot you aren't heel striking as much so there isn't as much impact on all my joints. I just felt great and look forward to doing it again. If you are interested in reading more about barefoot running click here.

The weather right now is perfect. In the morning it's still a bit cool (for Florida) and the perfect time to get out and run.
What have you done lately for yourself? Get those endorphines going and feel better!!
Be Blessed & Healthy!!
I completely understand! Not being able to work out after surgery stinks! I am happy that you are back at it:-)