16 years ago I was pregnant with our 1st son. He is now 15 and looks like a man. When did that happen? I was walking behind a woman with her 2yr old little boy the other day and listening to them. The way she was talking with him & answering the oh so many questions our little ones have. The patience was shining through with her. She was just answering everything to the best of her ability. I remember those moments with A. My first and only for 3-1/2 years. We did everything together. He baked with me, gardened with me (mostly with Daddy though), he showed me how to race matchbox cars & how to fight the bad guys as Bibleman. He showed me later when he could read his passion & craving to read God's word. He has taught me so much. Thank you A!!!
My 2nd is so different yet so much the same. He is 12 now. I look back to the times he just had to be so patient while he waited for things. We were in a season of our lives that we were in the car alot and he just learned how to keep himself occupied back there strapped into his carseat. The compassion this boy has for everything is incredible. He is sensitive to so much & feelings get hurt easily. He has taught me so much about this. How to be careful about what I say to people so I don't hurt their feelings. Thank you my sweet M!!
Finally, my 3rd. We got our little princess. She is exactly that. She is 5 and all girl. Well, mostly. She comes out of her room so often with her crown & dress up shoes on so she can be a princess. She has taught me how to play tea party & really just how to play like a child again. I don't remember that some times and I need to be taught. I always tell her "Please teach me how to play this". She does a great job at it too! Thank you Princess E!!
I haven't had a real close relationship with my mother. I love reading the stories about my friends with their mothers. Most times I get sad that I don't have those kinds of stories to share. Something I just realized though? It's not to late to start. So, Mom, I know you may not read this but I love you. I am thankful that you raised me with all that you had at the time. You did the best you could and I am thankful for that. I want to be the best daughter I can be for you and that is my prayer. I am not perfect and I will make mistakes. I am thankful that I know you will love me through those as you always have. As I look back I realize now that you have done that for me. Thank you Mom!
Happy Mothers Day!!!!!
Be Blessed & Healthy!!
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