I took a little hiatus I think. Not meaning to really. Baseball season in our house has picked up double time. I have an almost 17yr old on the high school varsity team & a 13 yr old with a travel ball team. My little princess has yet to join anything in particular. Not sure if we could run in another direction right now. Good thing we have unlimited texting! My hubby & I text back & forth about the games & who is doing what. He helps coach our younger son's team.
So, a couple weeks ago I noticed a couple things happening with me that just weren't normal. The worst of it was some serious fatigue. So, I decided to cut my mega every day workouts in half. Can I say it was VERY hard. I have even been taking 1 extra day a week off working out. That's 2 days off and that is just wrong (to me anyway). This week I started picking things up a bit but not to that level I was at. I also took today off & will take my usual Sunday off as well. I did see my P.A about it and she is helping me to figure this all out. I do realize it's important to do things in moderation. My PA Zoe said "Pamela - life is short". While I SO enjoy working out I realize there are other things I can do for exercise that will be fun for me & my kids.
On another note. Easter is almost here!! I love this time of year. Even in Florida, God's creation is slowly changing & spring is definitely here. Actually I think summer snuck in while we weren't watching. I so enjoy the Easter songs at church & the stark contrast from Good Friday to Easter Sunday.

Be Blessed & Healthy!!
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