"My eyes were bigger than my stomach". Well, honestly with that thinking something else will be a lot bigger too!

There is a handy little label on pretty much everything (except fresh veggies & fruit of course) and when there isn't you can easily find the information out online.
Portion control is probably one of the biggest problems I think people face when it comes to getting to a healthy weight. Yes, you may be EATING all the right things but eating too much of them will cause the weight to stay on. That can be frustrating.
I started using a website called My Fitness Pal a while back. You can log in your exercise & food intake for the day. It really helps me see what I'm putting in my mouth and stop that mindless eating. I make a point of making sure I log in even if I have a bite of something. Those calories count too! I can even see other things like sugar, fiber, protein & of course carbs. These are important to me also. I really would like to watch the sugar I take in & this helps. Most days I go over because of the fruit I eat but it's still sugar.
I know MFP has an app for you smart phone people. I just keep the link up on my computer screen so when I have a second I can log in my information. If I'm out then I just make sure I'm writing down what I'm eating. I am the first one to admit I will forget if I don't write it down.
Some popular yummies you might be indulging in:
Breyers Chocolate Ice Cream - Serving Size 1/2 cup(yes 1/2 cup - is that what you put in your bowl?) 140 Calories
Chips-a-hoy Chocolate Chip cookies - Serving Size 3 cookies (hmmm -- did you just have 3?) 160 Calories
Snack size back Lays potato chips - (lets face it you will eat the whole bag) 240 Calories (the fat is 16 grams - just saying)
These are just a few things I just Googled. You can do this too! Check out My Fitness Pal. It's free & worth it if you want to lose weight or just start eating better.
If you do get on MFP look for me at ImperfectlyPamela - would love to have some friends to cheer on in your health & fitness journey!!
Do you pay attention to portion sizes?
Be Blessed & Healthy!!