I am a mom of 3. My children are 17 (almost 18 - in one month), 14 & 7.
There is a stretch between the oldest & youngest. There are many days I am very thankful for that. I love that my little girl came last, to be honest. I LOVE my boys. I have loved spending days at the baseball field, seeing the way their imagination would just take off & they would build things, create new games, be totally excited about hunting with Dad. There are just too many ways to say how much they mean to me.
My little girl does the same but in a totally different way. I am glad I saved most of the things the boys had played with because she LOVES her dinosaurs & racecars. She also is a girly-girl too. She likes her Barbies & dress up things.
Recently with my oldest being on the cusp of being a "grown-up" - since 18 seems to be that magic age (which by the way I don't believe an age is the way to tell if someone is grown up) I have had the opportunity to really watch & do a lot of thinking about things. Something that is so hard to do is not step in & want to fix everything for him. He has always been a strong-willed, intelligent kid. He was able to finish 2 years of college while still in high school. I am in awe of that. Taught himself how to play guitar & is INCREDIBLE at it.
I think something that someone once said to me when my kids were younger was "we pay so much attention to the children's FIRSTs but we don't remember to pay attention the LASTs". That means so much more now than it ever did before. Like after my son played baseball for 8+ years, he decided to stop & I missed his last game.
I try to make sure I'm there for them. I can't tell you the amount of love in my heart for all my children. It's so different though for each one of them.
Ah, I'm trying not to give too much detail because I really don't want to embarrass them or anything. I just really wish I could step in like when they were little & just take the hurts away. Tell the people who are hurting them to BUG OFF. A mother's love is a serious thing. Some day they will know. Some day, probably when they have kids of their own, will they truly know & understand what we feel for them. How much we could do for them. How much just talking to them means to us.
Can you relate? I would love to hear your stories.
Be Blessed & Healthy!!!
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