Thursday, July 4, 2013

What's the Plan?

There are times in my life when I would love to know what the plan is.

I believe I DON'T know for a reason.  I trust in God.  I do.  I am human though and sometimes just wonder.

I am going through a time right now where I know He is working things out.  Taking me out of my comfort zone for sure!  Guatemala??  What??

That is just one of the things. 

I found myself in a situation recently that I realized I needed to apologize to someone.  That person chose to not forgive me.  Their choice, I know.  It still hurts to realize a relationship is severed.

I have also recently had something happen where someone has hurt me.  Someone who I would hope wouldn't do that.  They did.  There has been no apology from them.  Actually quite the contrary.  No communication at all. 

I have seen some relationships fade away & some get stronger lately.  I find myself mourning the ones that go away then I realize maybe it's the one that was only for a season.  God knows what He is doing.  My prayer is that I am obedient to Him.

I am looking into my near future with some excitement (a little nervous too). A mission trip.  New friends to meet.  New goals to meet :) and I have a child that is venturing into a new season of his life. 

Life is good.  Even during the rough times I believe it's good.  I will be stronger when I come through the other side.  I heard in a Bible study a while back that God never leaves us in the midst of pain & struggle.  He sees us through it.  He see us THROUGH it.  That means we will come out on the other side of the pain & struggle.  We will be stronger for it.  Wiser too I hope :) 

Do you have some things going on right now?  Things you just feel like aren't going to get any better?
I would love to pray for you.   Leave a comment. If you don't want to leave details just comment "please pray". I will do that for you.  I believe God knows what you need.  I would be honored to lift you up in prayer.

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

1 comment:

  1. There is always something to be thankful for. Sometimes those things are a bit harder to see than at other times. :-) I so appreciate your prayers for me and mine!


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