Friday, January 11, 2013

ChaLEAN Extreme/TurboFire Hybrid

(Really frustrated blogger won't let me post pictures right now) 

Oh I am a happy girl!!  When I received ChaLEAN Extreme as a gift I was so thrilled to start it & I can tell you that it is for sure an AWESOME workout.  Ok, I'm only 5 days in to the 90 but I'm telling you it is!!

I did some thinking & looking over.  Asking questions, etc & decided to use a hybrid schedule I found online that combines CE with Chalene's Turbo Fire.  Which is another fave of mine.  It has also allowed some extra time to be able to run more.  I love to run :)  I was blessed with a "hand-me-down" treadmill & I have been using that as much as I can. 

So, I will do as I did for P90X giving you inches/lbs lost if any (going to try to think positively) and maybe this time I will be brave enough to post pictures. 

Have you done anything new this year for working out? 

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

1 comment:

  1. That's so weird that blogger won't let you post pictures.. you should try downloading Windows Live Writer. It works so much better and so much easier to use than blogger.
    I had to LOL at this because I had just posted this morning on FB how I restarted the 30 Day Shred. Felt good to be doing something again..beyond my workout at work.. LOL..


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