Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Graduation Day

What a weekend.

My sister came in from Texas & surprised me with taking me to a concert.  Bonnie Raitt, Martina McBride & Alan Jackson.  Just amazing.

Then my husband & I were blessed to graduate our oldest son from high school. 

I kept myself busy with cleaning & prep work.  Figuring out how we would go about it all so it was memorable for my son & also our youngest kids as well. 

I knew as soon as I let myself realize & really think about it I would just start crying.  Well, that happened.  I couldn't hold myself back & as soon as I started talking they tears took over. 

I was led to have a prayer with all our friends here for Andrew & that was beautiful too.  My cup truly runneth over.

Here are some pictures of the weekend.  I hope yours was amazing as well. 

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

PS- I was able to share some of my gluten/dairy free lasagna AND gluten/dairy free cake with some of the people at the party.  They were amazed at how good it tasted.  Made me pleased for sure.  Especially since my daughter & I could eat some yummy good stuff like everyone else & NOT feel sick afterward.  So good.

Enjoy the pics :) (ignore the date on them.  I goofed again)

My sis & me <3 td="">

The proud moment to present my son his diploma

Proud Mom, Dad & Graduate (with our other 2 kids photo-bombing us)

Sharing his big day with his friends

My sisters & me.  A GREAT day to have all 3 of us together!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Absent Blogger

That's me.  An absent blogger.

I must apologize.  I saw something recently about blogging every day.  EVERY DAY??!!  Even with scheduling posts I just couldn't possibly do that right now. 

I am in the process of planning my oldest son's Graduation Ceremony/Party.  We homeschool so things are a little different.

I am going through the motions of doing this trying not to think too much about it. 

I just can't believe my first born is graduating high school.  I am very proud of him for the accomplishment.

I will have pictures & a new update after the party :)

What are you planning for the weekend?

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Various Ramblings of a Blogger

Teach our children young what a serving size looks like. 

When out to eat at a restaurant, most places do not give you a serving size but probably 2.  Ask right away for a take home container & package up 1/2 of the dinner.  You will be pleasantly surprised at how filling the meal still was & you have some for lunch or dinner the next day.

Drink your WATER people :)

Never feel bad about saying "No, thank you".  Even if it's to a friend.  If someone is serving something you KNOW you shouldn't have why in the world would you eat it?  Don't compromise yourself.  Set the example!

Take your weight, cut it in half & drink that much in fluid ounces of water a DAY.  Minimum.  Adding more to that would be great!

Stop eating directly out of containers, bags, boxes, etc.  Mindless eating will ADD CALORIES FAST!

Keep to the outside perimeter of the grocery store.  That is where most of the healthier stuff is.  No preservatives, etc

Read the labels on all your food!  If you can't pronounce it RESEARCH it.  Actually, you probably shouldn't be eating it if you can't pronounce it.

Water, water, water, water (get the hint?)

You're getting SLLLEEEEEPPPPYYYYY.  Make sure you are getting between 7 - 9 hours of sleep a night.  This is SO important for your health & weight loss.  When we are tired we tend to eat more & make not so great decisions.

After a run :)
Sweat.  Sweat.  Sweat.  Get out there & do something.  Play with your kids.  Go for a walk or a bike ride with your honey, or a friend.  Just get your heart rate up & get moving!  Sweating is a GOOD thing! 

Can you add anything to this list? 

Be Blessed & Healthy!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

20 Years

20 years ago today I was walking down the aisle to say "I Will/I Do" to an incredible man. 

May 8, 1993

He is a very patient man who works very hard for our family. 

When I think back 20+ years ago, I realize how incredibly thankful & blessed I am that God brought him into my life. 

Marriage isn't the easiest.  It's a lot of hard work.  Some days are certainly easier than others. 

The more we bring God into our marriage the easier I believe it is & will be.

20 years later

I leave you with a poem I found a few years after we got married:

A Happy Marriage Takes Three
Most people think a marriage is
A partnership of two
But these little words of wisdom
I will relate to you
The happiest of marriages
Has another partner near
Who can handle every storm of life
And make problems disappear
He's the guide along life's pathway
He's the glue that bonds with love
He's the one who makes a dream come true
And sends blessings from above
This partner's name is Jesus
Always trust Him & you'll see
Marriages are sweeter
In a partnership of three

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!!  I look forward to what God has in store for us in the next 20+ years!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Book Review - Pilgrimage of Promise

This is Book 4 in the Miller Creek Novels

WOW!!  Cathy Bryant just KNOWS how to get a hold of the reader & bring you into the story.  I love reading about Mona (Mama) Beth & Bo.  In the 1st 3 books I got to read about people around Miller's Creek that are close to them but now I know about them & their story. 

You don't need to have read the earlier books in the series to read this one but when you finish this book you will want to go back & read them because you will just want to continue to be a part of Millers Creek.
If you HAVE read the earlier books in this series you will love catching up with the characters in this story.  I just could NOT put this book down.  I loved how she retraced Mama Beth & Bo's history.  I just felt so much a part of this story. 

A little tease:

Broken promises, enduring love…
A dusty stack of unopened love letters forces Bo and Mona Beth Miller to revisit a part of their past they’d rather leave buried–especially in the face of death. Only as they retrace history will they learn the truth about the shattered promise that threatens to come between them. But can their relationship endure the deception and sabotage they unearth, or will the experience compel them to trust more fully in the promises that never fail? 

***I was blessed to receive a complimentary copy of this book to review.  Thank you so much Cathy!!

Be Blessed & Healthy!!