Friday, February 10, 2012

Busy life!

Every time I get on the computer thinking I'm going to update my blog, something happens.  I have so many started that need to be finished.  Can't do that without some research though :)  Need to make sure I have my facts straight!

Just to update a few things.  Today 2 of my kids & I went to help with Kids Against Hunger at the school affiliated with our church.  What an experience!!  This year they were packaging macaroni & cheese.  There is a very particular way of doing this too.  The bags with all the ingredients could only weigh between 12.3 - 12.5 oz.  They all got a package of "Cheese & Vitamins", 1/2 cup soy protein & about a cup and a half of macaroni.  They had to be weighed then the bag sealed, stamped & boxed.  There were so many children helping.  Happily helping!  The boy next to me said he LOVES this time of year when they do this at his school. My 6 yr old daughter said she got to do almost all the stations they had.  Even the bag sealer.  She is very proud of herself.  She said she helped to feed the homeless & hungry.  She also made a friend in the process.  My 13 yr old (almost anyway) had fun seeing friends & helping.  He got to be a "team leader".  What a privilege & he knew it.

This week was rough with my workouts.  Kept them up (like I wouldn't workout - what a drug for me!) but I seem to have strained a muscle (or 2) in my inner thigh.  Then when I figured I would do my P90X yoga to try to stretch a bit I pulled the muscle in my back.  I need to remember that my back does NOT like shoulder stands!!  It was worth it though.  By the next morning I was feeling better. 

Have you tried any of the P90X workouts?  The YogaX is 90 minutes long & awesome.  Probably the best Yoga DVD workout I have experienced & own :)

Be Blessed & Healthy!!


  1. What a fantastic cause to be a part of:-)

  2. I'm sorry about your muscle strains! Way to go for working out so intensely though...glad you're okay!


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