Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Save the DRAMA for your MAMA

Heehee.  Ok, I remember hearing that for the first time at some Little League game.  I thought it was pretty funny.  But seriously, that is the first thing I thought of recently when there was some drama in my life.  It's one thing to have something happen that is upsetting.  It's another thing to see it played out on some social media network (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc).  Along the lines of stress I would say steer clear of those that chose to focus on the bad stuff & seem to need the "likes" and comments "poor you" etc. 

I have found that with the kind of person I am I need to purposefully make myself NOT click on certain things so I don't see the next comment to come.  As much as I don't like confrontation I would much prefer to talk things over & get past it than to ignore things & draw them out.

I am a prayer and love to see how God works in situations like this.  What about you?  How do you deal with the dramatic people in your life?  Do you let them get to you or can you move on & not give it another thought?  I'm really interested!

Be Blessed & Healthy!!


  1. Drama is the worst, especially when people can't play nice in the social networking sandbox. I try to stay clear of all that. Unfortunately, most of the drama comes from my family so I can't delete them lol but I sure do enjoy that hide button:-)
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend!!!

  2. I'm with you Andrea! That particular button is a good one :)
    You have a great weekend too!!


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