Thursday, May 31, 2012

Super-Size me --- NOT!!!

There is some news in the headlines today about the Mayor of New York wanting to ban any sodas over 16 oz from being sold in fast food restaurants.

 "The ban, which could take effect as soon as March, would not apply to diet sodas, fruit juices, dairy-based drinks or alcoholic beverages."

Read more:

Ok my friends.  If you have been reading up on my blog you KNOW how I feel about soda.  Honestly though?  Banning a certain size of soda is NOT going to help the obesity rate, in my opinion.  People have a mind of their own and if they want 20 oz of soda they will get it just by purchasing another soda or (hold on to your hats!) going & buying something larger at a grocery store. 

Who came up with super sizing things anyway?  I went to Dunkin Donuts for an unsweet iced tea the other day (only $.99) and asked for a large.  They told me to get the extra large because it's the same price!!  Seriously!!  It's crazy & we need to stop the madness. 

Don't take my word for it!  Do your own research on soda in the first place.  If you can find something healthy about it PLEASE let me know.   Ok, I'm going to get down off my box now.  This just gets me going :)  Can you tell? 

What are your thoughts on this topic?  This mayor has been in the news before banning things, etc.  Would love to hear from you!!

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Portion size

Ok, I'm back to having a little blogger block lately.  So much happening & feeling like how can I get it down into words.  I love this picture I just saw floating around Facebook.  Ever wonder as you are scooping out the peanut butter how much a tablespoon is without getting the table spoon out?  Well, this will give you an idea with stuff like that.  LOVE the visual!!  Hope you do too.

Hope you can read it.  Mostly the red print is what you need. 

Do you concern yourself with portion sizes?  What is one food you really struggle keeping the portion size small?

Be Blessed & Healthy!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

What are YOU doing this Memorial Day?  Have any picnic plans??

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Yummy Grilled Tofu!

On Mother's Day I was blessed with being able to do absolutely NOTHING!  My husband & kids took over.  It was definitely a difficult thing for me to do.  I found myself wanting to get up & help or just take over. 

The yummiest part of all this was what my husband made for dinner.  He was making shishkabobs with steak & veggies but as you all probably know, I don't eat meat.  He asked me a few questions about how to cook tofu.  Do you know what?  He grilled the tofu with yummy seasonings, peppers, tomatoes, summer squash and oh my yumminess!!  It was SO good!!  Ok, so for those of you who know tofu, you know you should probably squeeze the water out right?  Well, that's what I have always done.  I forgot to tell him that part.  He drained the water, seasoned it & grilled it.  I was SO pleasantly surprised.  It wasn't dry like I'm used to!  It was moist & not like eating a sponge.  It was yummy.

So, I hope I have maybe talked one of you into being curious enough to give it a try.  Tofu isn't nasty like some make it out to be.  It comes in different firmness too.  I like the silken in my protein smoothies in the morning.  Yum!!  The great thing about tofu is it's a flavorless base that you can make taste however you want it to!  Whatever you put it with, it will soak up that flavor.  Cool!!

If you have had tofu before, how do you cook/season it?  I would love to try it a different way!! 
Do you find it's hard to sit back & let others take care of you? 

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!!

What a wonderful day.  Truly it is.  Just about every Sunday is for me.  I love our church & the Sundays I get to be blessed to be part of the worship team are even more special.  THEN today is Mothers Day!  Even better. 

My 13 yr old made me a beautiful jewelry box with the help of a friend of ours:

I got some cool cups I have wanted, a classical piano cd & beautiful earrings that my daughter made for me.  I feel so blessed :)

As my quiet day went on my little girl came to me with tears in her eyes & her very first loose tooth in her hand.  She cried for a bit but eventually was thrilled to see that space & the new "grown up tooth" coming through.  So excited.

Yesterday I had an awesome day.  Every year I take my sister to a new town that we can investigate & window shop.  Some times we have to revisit a town because it's just too big to get it all done in a day.  We end our day getting a yummy cup of coffee.  We always pick up something little & sweet.  Seriously!  We go into a shop that usually has something chocolatey & only get 1 or 2 little treats that we share.  It's fun & we feel better for not indulging too much.  Yesterday we were in The Villages.  There are 2 shopping areas & I do believe we went to the smaller one.  Next year we will be back to continue the tour. 

I ended up at our church for our annual Crawfish Boil.  It's alot of fun & I got to listen to my son's band play.  Just an awesome night.

Well, I do hope your weekend was just as lovely.   Leave a comment and let me know what you did this weekend.  What are some special Mother's Day things you did with your family?  I would LOVE to hear!!

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Think about it Thursday

Drink your WATER people!! 
What is your go to drink?  Every day, what do you reach for??  Come on, you can share here. 

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy 19th Anniversary!!

19 years ago I married a wonderful man.  We have been through MANY ups & downs & I know we will continue to do so but we always come out having learned so much more about each other.  I'm so thankful God brought him into my life. 

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!  Here's to 19+ more!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

A Nice Retreat

I am blessed to be able to say I'm taking a little retreat.  My hubby & I are leaving for a weekend.  Just us!  While I'm a little nervous & already missing my children I know this will be good for all of us.  My 2 youngest are very excited to be hanging out with their Aunt & her boys.  They always have a good time & she is so good about keeping them busy with fun stuff & not sitting them in front of the tv the whole time :)  I have it on an inside source they will having a BOUNCING good time. 

My oldest is very busy with a Teen Driver Challenge & meeting his friend at the springs. 

Me? Well, I'll just have to let you wait to hear what site-seeing we have planned for ourselves.  Something I would NEVER be able to do or afford with my kids.  Feeling a little guilty about the whole thing but honestly I am slowly getting used to the idea.  I do believe I haven't been away from our youngest like this EVER. 

Well, what do you have planned for this weekend?  Do tell!!

Be Blessed & Healthy!!