Monday, October 1, 2012

NOT a healthy recipe post

Just had to warn you.  If you were looking for a healthy recipe or something like that today it's not going to happen :)  I got this quick recipe idea from a friend & sometimes my kid's lifestyle SCREAMS for this.  With baseball, band practice & just a hectic life, sometimes we need a quick snack or dinner idea. 


Ground meat
Your favorite BBQ sauce

Happy Customer!!
brown the meat & add bbq sauce.  flatten out roll in bottom of cupcake pan.  Bake for 8-10 minutes at whatever the rolls/biscuits need to be baked at.

Other ideas - taco-cups, pizza cups. 

They freeze REALLY well & can be taken out & warmed up very easily.  This is a GREAT substitute for the pizza rolls or other things you can find out there.  Healthy?  maybe not the greatest BUT I do know what is in these & I much prefer that!!

What is your go-to snack or quicky meal for your kids?

Be Blessed & Healthy!!!


  1. What an easy, YUMMY looking recipe! Will definitely be trying it out!

  2. Oh so easy & everyone loves them!! Enjoy!!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to read your comments & hear how you are doing in your health & wellness journey. We are all a work in progress. ~ Imperfectly Pamela