Thursday, March 24, 2011


Ok, so I was thinking. We have SO many excuses for NOT getting up and getting some form of exercise in. Young children, older parents, work, etc, etc. We are ALL really busy whether we work in the home or out. We all also have the same amount of time in the day. Do you like watching TV at night? Every commercial that comes on get up and move. Do squats, walk in place. Are you a morning person? Wake up 20 minutes earlier and take advantage of the early sunrise! Get outside & walk or if it's before sunrise do something in your house. Live close enough to walk your child to school? Do that instead of getting in the car & driving. What a great way to chat and/or pray with your child before school. When you pick them up the same thing, pray & chat about their day. What fun for you both!! Have an older parent you are taking care of? Get them in on the action. Their bodies will be very greatful for it. If not, find the time of day that would work to get some exercise in then too. All I'm saying is 10 - 20 minutes a day. A sitcom is 30 minutes of sitting stagnant on the couch. I can promise you that isn't getting your metabolism going.

I'll get off my soapbox right now. The reason for this particular post (besides the fact I'm one of those crazies that enjoys exercise)? I had minor surgery on Monday and I am told no exericise for 4 weeks!! Ugh. That is going to be rough. I will find other options though! I guarantee it!!

Be blessed & HEALTHY! & GET MOVING!! (sorry for screaming)

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