Saturday, April 28, 2012

Veggie Garden Pics

As promised! Here are some pictures of our verticle vegetable garden.  My husband has been trying so hard for the 14 years we have been in FL to have a garden atleast 1/2 as good as the one he had in PA.  It's so hard for us because the dirt here is just sand.  We had it tested and it's just barely good for growing weeds :).  We ended up buying dirt & got the idea of using pots & going verticle from an organic co-op garden we used to be part of.  It is working!!  We have been getting lettuce & broccoli already.  We picked our first cauliflower as well.  At this point we are trying all kinds of things & seeing what works for us.  It's so exciting & my kids are loving it too.  It's so hard to walk by the garden & not pick the red cherry tomatoes  - especially for my 6 yr old.  She is addicted!!

This is where we started at the beginning of March:


This is what came off it today:

Do you have a vegetable garden?  How does yours grow?  Do you keep it organic?  What are you growing?  Please share!

Be Blessed & Healthy!!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to read your comments & hear how you are doing in your health & wellness journey. We are all a work in progress. ~ Imperfectly Pamela