Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ahhh, Sunday

Sundays should be peaceful. I can say today is. I realized last night that I (somehow) got behind by a day in my blog challenge. Probably because I had time to sit and try to rest my back and that is when I realized it :) Anyway. This morning was really good at church. I sing on the Praise Team every other weekend & just really missed it for some reason. I decided to NOT workout today. Yes, I said it. I need a day of rest and I am taking it. I would atleast do an extended stretch or yoga on a nice peaceful day like today but some times our bodies tell us we need to just rest.

This got me to thinking about priorities. We are trying to teach our children about priorities & how important they are. You put the wrong thing first & other things can fall apart. Being a Christian my choice is to put God first, then my husband & family. I can tell when I get things out of whack for sure.

Just some random thoughts for my #9 post. I will be back later with #10. Then I'll be caught up.

Have any aha moments lately? Make some changes in your life that have really just turned things around for you? I would love to hear about them!!

Be Blessed & Healthy!!

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Thanks for stopping by! I love to read your comments & hear how you are doing in your health & wellness journey. We are all a work in progress. ~ Imperfectly Pamela